Thursday, May 10, 2012

My first victim: The Fellowship of the Ring

Book #1: The Fellowship of the Ring
Author: J.R.R. Tolkien

Upon reading the first 50 pages of The Fellowship of the Ring, I can only ask myself one question: how have I gone so long without ever having read a sentence by Tolkien?

I guess I thought that J.K. Rowling had fulfilled the magical genre for me, but I was wrong. My first fond impression came from a simple line:

"There might have been some grumbling about dealing locally."

As a huge proponent of local business, this was enough to interest me to read further.

Now, three chapters in, 50-year-old hobbit Frodo Baggins is leaving the Shire, and I am already nervous about the journey to come. I watched the movies when they first came out, and though I don't remember any details or the ending, or much of anything about them (to be honest), I know that this isn't going to be a happy little journey to visit some elves.

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